wow..its been so many donkey years since i last logged in into this place and blog..
hmmm..life's as usual..
test are happening now..studying on and off as usual man..
hmmmm..nothing much in my life now..but i know more is to come when holiday starts!
was trying to find some pictures that explains LOVE between me and cheryl..
i was thinking so hard...! like what are the words that i can use when i type in the search box..
was trying words like " partnership", "companionship", "couples" etc etc etc. but no good results came...
then i realised that actually i had the picture already.
every single photo that me and my dearest took explains LOVE this word.. :)
recently we just had our 1 year and half months monthniversary.
it was like..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... because we had to study..
but dearest and i know that any random day can be our anniversary, as long as we both love each other.. :D
my dearest so understanding! LOVE her to bits.
one funny thing that makes me so interested in her is that she still have her childhood mindset, despite being a little mature at times..hahahas..
she did things like made me promise to bring her go Jurong Birdpark..sooooooo cute!
she is so baby-ish. hahahahahahahaas. i like. :D
alrights! gtg!
counting down...26 MORE DAYS TO MELBOURNE! :D
i will miss my dearest.. :(