♥Wednesday, September 30, 2009
i'm back to blogged! :Dyesterday was cooool! finally rushed my PP report yesterday..stayed up in school all the way from 2 plus until 10 plus man..hahas..didn't leave the com at all..except for going toilet and stuff..hahas..so happy that it's finished! but dearest haven..so much encouraged her...hahahs..yupp..i finished with plagiarism status of 6%! :(is it a good thing or bad thing? i don't know man..other people's may be lower than mine..anyways...today i woke up with a smile on my face..i seldom do that okay..just that a special day or something than i can do that..today isn't kind of special day..just that..I FINALLY CAN HAVE TIME WITH MY DEAREST!wahahahahahahas....
although it's not the whole day that we are going out..but i confirm will treasure de..
because holiday's ending and both of us seriously are damn busy! >.<'
so i told her i dun care..must meet up!
fast right? come to think of it..me and my dearest are going 7 months..
hahas..but we will go more! in 7 years! in 70 years! :D hahahahahahahhahaahhaas
today damn happyyyy!
oh..got one sad thing..
planning to buy the cd today..in the end ar..tried the game from my bro's cd..cannot..
wah..ji tao sian diaos...-.-''
going to go prepare ler! :D
to dearest : jia you for your pp ok! focus dear! :D you can do it because i'll be here to support you like how u supported me yesterday.. :)
♥Saturday, September 26, 2009
by looking at the front cover, it's gonna be a "WOW" thing.it comprises all of the hit songs from their first album to their last..things like " I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever", " Deeper", "My Soul Sings" etc.nice eh? :)
dear..just to dedicate this song as our 7th month anniversary is coming..hahas..let's not let our relationship waver because we didnt meet much..and most importantly, dont let our faith with Him fades... :)here's the song by The Carpenters, Close To You. :)Why do birds Suddenly appear? Everytime you are near Just like me They long to be Close to you Why do stars Fall down from the sky? Everytime you walk by Just like me They long to be Close to you On the day that you were born The angels got together and decided To create a dream come true So they sprinkled moondust in your hair Of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around Just like me They long to be Close to you Just like me They long to be Close to you Woo... Close to you...hahas..yupp..just for you this time dear... :)thats what i feel like..being close to you dear..
♥Thursday, September 24, 2009
dear god, is it a test for our relationship?we only meet on wednesdays and saturdays for service..is it just a test to see whether can we manage it together?i kinda feel like it is testing me because i really miss my dearest alot..she's working, i'm working...both of timing different..how to meet?the only times we meet are during cell meetings and service...although school is start..but god..i really wanted our private time..just one day pls?really love you god, and love my dearest. both of these are the most precious things to me now.i can give up anything just for the two of them. really.to my dearest, i dont know how to explain it, but i'm seriously missing you right now..although our paths may not be smooth, i just want to tell you we will still move on yeah?when god is with us, i know we can..i cant imagine one day living without you dear..your smiles and laughter really brought colours to my life..is something i couldnt buy dear..last but not least,
these few weeks have been chiong-ing work like nobody's business..me and my dearest are working very hard for what we want..we earned for our things..earned for YA camp..and last but not least is to tithe and give back to Him what He gave us..this week has been a blissful week for both me and dearest...He really gave us more than what we asked! he blessed me with truckloads of love..thats all i can say..dearest finally got approval from her parents that she is able to YA camp..(when her parents are kinda against christians)..and finally yvonne feels His presence and finally understand how god is able to help her now!God really is with us...my throat is killing me the whole day man..pls get better...anyways..WHO'S UP FOR PHOBIA 2 NEXT WEEK?! ;)
♥Saturday, September 12, 2009
these few weeks have been blessed by God! :)there's been an accident..i accidentally deleted what I'VE WROTE! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH...anyways..today have worship team meeting..is about Reaping In Love..a motto from our Go Forth! (EAOG's 40th anniversary! )..Love really is a big thing!it makes the world goes round...and after that meeting just now..and after my cell group this week ( which they were talking about reaching out to the community )..something came to my mind and i tell myself i should help them! ;D
POVERTY! yupp..don't you feel heart-breaking after seeing this picture?i really feel that we are very blessed by Him.i want to go to them and help them out someday, with my dearest! :)because my dearest is into kids, and im sure we can help them at least by making their day happier when me and my dearest are around them! :Dmaking them happy is something that even blessed people like us cant buy..yupp! :)my plan now is to use my blessing as much as possible?i want my dearest to be with me too! :)and hoping her bestie, yvonne, also yeah? :)the rest will leave it to Him. :)gtg...!love my dearest so much! <3
♥Friday, September 04, 2009
was actually spending some time reading on how's my dearest's life before i came by..dunno but im just curious to know more of her..but nevertheless, i seriously find my dearest damn cute can..hahahas..this is her blog post on her birthday this year.. :)got 2 parts..because her blog cannot COPYRIGHT MA... -.-so i have to snipe it out and paste it as a picture..hahahas!
dont know whether you guys can seee..if cannot go her blog..LOL...yupp..to my dearest:glad to see that you are happy now...compared to the past eh? :)happy for you and happy for both of us.. :D
♥Thursday, September 03, 2009
heys..backed to blogged after such a really longgggggggggggggggggggggg time luh... T.Tadaptor's being a bitch..man..wire broke at the wrong time man..guess what? right before UT okays..T.Tanyways..thanks to my dearest and classmate's help..still manage to finish my 6 hrs worth of papers! :)holidays are here even before a blink of an eye..work cant work..so slacked around for some time...no shifts at work man..tsk..what to do? yupp..nothing much for this holiday yet..looking forward for something that really can blow my mind off school stuff..its just like im in a standby mode which i will have on weekends..you know what i mean? its like..whenever it reaches monday..ur standby mode needs to turn on back to school mode..but holiday isn't in standby mode..but CRAZY MODE! :)oh well..maybe im asking too much..?and with a blink of an eye.....2 MORE DAYS TO 6 MONTH ANNIVERSARY!
hahahas..yupp...so fast right? i cant even take it..HAHA..nah..actualy can la..hahas..to my dearest:dear..no matter what happen..and i seriously mean..WHAT HAPPEN..i still love you ya? :)hahas..you'll always be my baby..so much loves just for you dear! :Dthats it.. :)