dudes..sorry for not blogging for quite a while..damn lazy to on my com nowadays..ahahahas!
well.things has been going quite okay for me..these few days keep going out...dont feel like working at all as i had a bad experience last sunday..-.-...well..got PS-ed on the tower..AGAIN! this time is lucas..grr..then i had to be alone ALL DAY WITHOUT ANYONE TO TALK TO OKAY..full shift sia..T.T...
anyway..this week is the week i spent wif my secondary school mates...hahas..kinda miss them..and the times we spent..dunno why..but something zainul said yesterday kinda rings a bell..he said:" i dunno you guys, but i think that i feel very comfortable going out with secondary school mates..dunno y.."...this kinda makes sense..cux i feel that too..no matter how long we didnt meet..as long as we meet..we are like buddies..talk all kinds of crap..well..thats the bond between us!
went death race with leong, xinrui, michelle, bird and doggy.HAHA.doggy was late for the show..got suan-ed alot as usual..well..get used to it alr la he..so its okay..HAHAS..
after that went home..hahahs!
went death race again..hahas! had a good time today! :D:D altho is short..but i enjoyed..hahas..
before movie went for BK and eat...hahas..more movies yah?
SENTOSA with leong, bird, vanessa, zainul, jason, yanyi..hahas..volleyball! WITH GAY POWER!!! YI BA YI BA AND DE LEH! (adapted from some cartoon) our gay power overwhelmed bird|jason|zainul power..MUAHAHAHAS..gay no.2, we rocks.DURH!
but it rained..diaos..went seoul garden and chiong..all of them are like hungry ghost..including me..HAHAHAS..in the end..chiong finish duno how many plates of spaghetty,meat,ice cream, seafood and all! LOL..
meeting up and going for a short lunch..:D:D..after that home..tired...-.-..hahhahaas! :D
short again..but i think its the same as tuesday..hahas..:D
gtg! ciaos! :D
mood: SO-SOtoday was a rest day..damn..dunno why..but im getting tired more easily..hmm..and cant sleep during night time..mind's full of things..hmm...well...yupp..yesterday went working..hahas..its good to be back afterall..not as bad as i thought..as in..the sitting down and everything..well..still managed to pass the time la..during break when snorkelling with uncle quek and junlong..yesterday talked more with uncle quek...and he tell me about his experiences la..hmm..think its quite valuable...the things he said..yupp..uncle quek..NO. 1 ! hahas..bet he will say me no. 1 too if he read this..well..;)anyway..happen to caught this before i finish work yesterday as some guests came to inform me about it..well..have to go and catch it if there's any..well..and there it is! a harmless one..and its PROVEN BY TASSSS! he took it out and rub it on his hand...and nothing happened..so its harmless..;)
hahas...yupps..didnt had anything..so used my lunchbox's plastic bag to catch..hahas..cute eh?amazing eh? sea creatures..looks cute...but looks may deceive u...looks like a butterfly but stings like a beeeeee...;)and this:
it MEANT something..
but not NOW already..
yohoho~!today seems to be a good day to waste time! therefore, i've got loads of pictures to post! hahas.this post is a picture post! :D:Dmemories of W45H!!!! :(

me with the muscle man! :D

everyone studying! :D

group photos :D
now the following pictures are the ass clowns in the class trying to make a fool of themselves on the last day of school! LOL.( argh damn. including me. >.<' but it was fun thou.wahahahahs)

tear the paper in a wierd way.punching it!

handful of our "ppts".LOL

ahh..to summarise..iskandar(long hair guy) saved jasper(short hair guy) from caning.

its NC 16 picture,wahahahas!
hahas..well..thats W45H..cheeky! hahas..always comes up with loads of kinky ideas for everyone to laugh..:D
and thanks zuzu for all the pictures! hahas..so many pictures sia! :D:D and she managed to send it everyone..woots! :D:D claps claps!
thats all..W45H (Apr 08') ROCKS!although we are seperated, but we are still together eh? ;) im back!hahas..i found this emotions..so cute! LOL.

anw..holiday just started for me..yeah..kinda feeling so relax and everything! so shiok sia! ;)..those who are still mugging for O lvls or still have schools now..just wana let u know that im enjoying life now..:D:D:D..buahahahas!
life is okay for now..but is not okay WHEN THE LAST DAY WITH W45H JUST PASSED!!!! :( :(
damn..seriously..i missed W45H! haix..but what to do? things go on yeah? but as long as we still get in contact, everything will not be as bad right? :D
hahas..well..will post up the pictures soon! too many pictures! GULP..
but seriously, will miss all of you guys..really..miss both good and bad times..
well..anw..tml is the outing! cant wait! hahas..it will be fun yeah? hahas..
i think we wld have lesser outings like this after tml..
anw..these few days..wah..movie marathon sia! >.<'...LOL..but quite fun la..hahas..everyday go home late..hahahas! cool eh?
well..most of the 'Now Showing' movies i've watched already..hahas..well..now is waiting for NOVEMBER!!!!
well..thats all..will post up the pictures soon!
*and my guitar is still on sales.LOL
new song: James Bond Theme Song!
inspired by the Quantum Of Solace trailer..!!! :D:D
anw..there is no lyrics for this song..because all it does is just DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG and more DANGSSSS! LOL
hmm..ooh yah..forget to upload picture ytd..ytd marks the end of the UT for this SEMESTER!! :D:D heh heh..well..take a look! :D

lol..this is how BUANG my computing UT is..got time til i can print screen and do stuff..LOL..well..?
hahas..shall blog again! hahas..