well..this week has been fantastic for me..as i have excellent friends to kip me company for! wakakakas..dont need to go home so damn early to see my parents all..yeah..but its tiring as well!!! :S hahas..well..no pain no 'gain' mah..hahahas..=)=)
well..i shall tell u guys the JOKER OF THE WEEK now.. he manage to make everyone laughed no matter what..is 1 and onli...RONALD SEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..
1st joke: while he was talking, he so 'accurate'! he did some hand gestures and the next moment his finger is IN a cup,with it dip INTO the water..i repeat..its INTO the cup..u shld see it real life..cux ronald didnt start laughing until everyone does..LOL.
2nd joke: we were discussing about what we are going to do for the holidays, when ronald suggest this:
''hey, lets go for fish-therapy la..u know? let the leg bite the fish la (by right is: let the fish bite the leg).
well..ronald..hahas..thats the reason why the people in the RONALD FAN CLUB loves u so much! hahahas.
oh yah..this week is kinda special for RONALD too! because this week is Ronald's very first try on BLACKJACK'S (by right is Jack's Place, again, ronald said BLACKJACK instead of JACK'S PLACE)...LOL
yeah..here are the picture while we were there..and got another photo of cong rui dam stress while we were slacking..LOL..CONG RUI IS ALWAYS FEATURED IN MY BLOGGGGG!!! OMG. :D:D

hahas..thats my week with my super close friends..thanks for all those company! LOVE u all dudes..;)
well..june has reach!! OMG.hahas.time flies.and see! half of the year is gone alr..wow..whats more to come? REDANGGGGG!
hahs..watched movies a couple of times this week..and guess wad..that time we went for MADE OF HONOUR..in the end? power cut..-.-..the show just gone in an instant..LOL..got our refund and go watch again!
hahas..saw these posters..guys! must watch!
ok..for those who like cartoon movies, these cute cartoons are coming up in june!!! :D:D

yeah! another ADAM SANDLER'S movie..ARGHH..i cant wait! CUX I think i will laugh my balls off at his show..wakakakakas..
redang trip redang trip! wakakas.cant wait to go wif the RONALD's FAN CLUB!!!!