heys..back to blog..hmm..did realise that i didnt post for quite some time..so this time gonna blog..=)
well..this week has been a smooth week too..everything went well..hmmm..oh yah..i went for The Forbidden Kingdom movie on thurs wif my classmates..=)..the movie was as great as i expected! thank goodness i paid 6 bucks for this good show..well..this upcoming week i definitely gonna watch Iron Man..=)..hmm..everything seems to be the same..just sch then home, sch then home..i felt that im not enjoying my life..this kind of small events lyk watching movies oso can cheer me up alot alot..but well..cant watch movie everyday wad..
hmm..life has been boring for me now..with the news from the worship team pulls me down further..haix..well..that is life yeah? u go thru good n bad times..so that people will learn..hmm..well..just have to face it lor..u cant run, u cant hide..right? =S
with the release of Delirious? new album: Kingdom Of Comfort, im so excited! the songs were excellent! these are the tracks of their whole album:
1.Kingdom Of Comfort
2.God Is Smiling
3.Give What You've Got
4.Love Will Find A Way
5.Eagle Rider
6.We Give You Praise
7.How Sweet The Name
9.Break The Silence
10.Stare The Monster Down
11.All God's Children
12.My Soul Sings
hahas..yeah..the new songs are definitely gonna rock the world! every track of their songs has simple lyrics with deep meanings..=)
well..things has been going quite well for me today..just that i cant help but sleep during my classmate's presentation..DAMN..><''..is just that i cant help it luh..its v hard to concentrate all the time while sitting down there for so dam long luh..well..guess i still haven get used to it bah..sooner or later will be able to do it..:D
Matthew 7:1-2 says: 'Do Not Judge, or else you will be judged the same way you've judged people''.
well..im back again! hahas..phew! what a week! DAMN..its fast! hahas..tml is weekend..which is smth i kinda not looking forward..but..because there is a stayover at LSBC wif the MUSTARD SOURCE(my cell grp)..which kinda liften my spirits! hahas.cant wait man..hahahas..yeah!well..school has been AS PERFECT AS EVER..ahahahas..gosh..its weekend and im missing my W45H again! ARGH!! GUYS! IF U R READING THIS..I MISS U ALLLLLLL...man..miss all the fun! hahahas..well..finally got my ezlink today! hahahas..yeah! i look FINE on the pic! hahas..didnt reeli got edited n stuff..hahhaas..here are some pics of it..=)
hahas..this is my favourite ezlink up till so far..ok wif the primary..sec one suck..hahahahhas..tertiary ROCKS..hahas..IM IN RP GUYS..hahahahahas..well..i still got pics of one of my GOOD friend in school..hahas..took it during break..hahahas...i was asking him..hey! can u pose for me?! i wan ur photo! hahahas..cux i miss u! (puking)..LOL..and what he did was.......

funny right? hahas.see his face wana laugh alr..hahas..its my BEST FRIEND'S good FRIEND..hahas..ps* if my best friend see this im gonna be dead..LOL..oh..btw..this good friend of mine..(the above pic)..HE IS A TRI-SEXUAL..hahahas..thats what he said..he lyks all boys, gals, and sissys..so watch out for this small guy with BIGGGGG appetite...wahahaha..JKJKJKgtg..PEACE~ heys! hahas..im back frm blogging! hahas..im kinda having a very high spirit now! guess wad?! i cant believe that im actually looking forward to go school tml! I MISS W45H LUH..hhahahahas..guys! seeya all tml! hahahas..
wells..today was a fine day for me..hahas..altho i ytd was abit sian due to today's work..but after the work..did realise that the work is not as so so So SO damn bad like i thought luh..hahaas..yeah..at first was at palawan..then went tanjong beach..cux palawan is super boring with all the families there! T.T..ahhas..tanjong n siloso beach rocks! WOOT~..hahas..yeah..love the pub at tanjong..its called KM8..hahas..wld lyk to visit it sometime..yeah? hahas..and the scenery there at night is lovely..yeah..its the best place among all the places i've seen..n i wld love to bring my love ones there sometimes..:D..hahas..here are some pics of the sunset there..took it after i knock off..:D
hahas..yeah...its 100 million times nicer in real life..my camera cant reeli capture it due to the strong sun light luh..T.T..hahas...but its nice...and most impt..ROMANTIC...=D..
yeah..so after tat..went vivo to shop by myself..hahas..bought a nike shirt! hahas..dam dam dam nice luh..the moment i see i fell in love for it..cux me 52 DAMN BUCKS..ARGH~..but i think it is still worth it? hahas..some pics of it..

hahahas..cant find the other photo..dunno why..well..sch's tml! hahas..yeah! here i come! hahas..